Virtual Masonic Organist
Fulfilling your Masonic musical needs!

“Virtual Masonic Organist” is the complete solution to your Masonic musical needs!

Virtual Masonic Organist is fully equipped with the music to accompany all aspects of Craft Masonic Ceremonies and the general business of Lodge meetings, such as;


1st Degree

2nd Degree
Festive Board

3rd Degree


The facility to play incidental/circumstantial music has also been added for those non-ceremonial parts of a Lodge meeting for example when brethren are assembling prior to the commencement of the Lodge Meeting, or as background music during the Festive Board.

Clearly music is a personal preference and with this in mind the program has been created in such a way as to allow the user to insert their own choice of music to any aspect of a ceremony, including adding music (and titles) to each of the 12 Circumstantial buttons, thus providing plenty of diversity.

Virtual Masonic Organist supports the two most popular music media types, mp3 and wav.

It is also possible to change the title of any aspect and add additional aspects should this be required, this facility makes it possible to customise the Virtual Masonic Organist to whatever working any particular Masonic Lodge performs.

To fully appreciate the capabilities of this program it would need to be heard through external amplified speakers rather than the internal ones fitted to the average Laptop computer or iOS device.

A suitable set of amplified speakers can be obtained from most large electrical retailers, such as Comet, Curry’s and PC World for around £50.

With regard to circumstantial music,
Amazon the online retailer provide a vast amount of excellent music in the form of mp3’s which can be purchased and downloaded for as little as £0.79 a track, or as part of album collections for less than £5.00 is most cases.

All music files can be sampled before purchasing.

To visit Amazon's MP3 Download Store please click here!

Copyright © 2015 - Virtual Masonic Organist